Building An Estate Plan That Is Right For You

3 common ways to craft an estate plan that honors your faith

Those who have strong religious beliefs often like to integrate their faith into many aspects of their life. For example, those who regularly attend church services often tithe or make contributions to their congregation and volunteer for various faith-related causes.

It is also common for those who put a lot of value in their face to want their final legacy to reflect their religious beliefs and lifelong observances. There are many ways for someone’s estate plan to reflect their religion and uphold their values even after they die. These are some of the ways that testators craft estate plans that reflect their religious values.

They make a bequest to their church or a charity

For those who have long benefited from attending a specific church, a desire to financially support that organization after their death is very common. Sometimes, there may be a secondary charitable organization associated with their beliefs that an individual would like to support. It is possible to put together an estate plan that sets aside specific assets for someone’s church or other non-profit organizations. Particularly when someone does not have surviving dependent family members, leaving resources for the church might be the best way to leave a meaningful legacy.

They arranged for faith-based funerals

Not every family has uniform adherence to religious practices. Attending church and observing the sacraments has become less common with younger generations. Therefore, those putting together an estate plan who wish to have a religious service as part of their funeral may need to leave very specific instructions about those preferences. In fact, they may want to speak with the priest or clergy member who will perform the funeral and potentially purchase a burial plot at a specific cemetery ahead of time so that there isn’t any conflict or confusion related to their wishes.

They put together an advance medical directive

There are certain medical treatments and drugs that may violate someone’s religious beliefs, which might mean that people find themselves in a situation where their personal values put them at odds with the current best practices in different areas of medicine. A thorough advance directive detailing someone’s treatment preferences and empowering a trusted individual to manage their care decisions in the event of incapacitation can help adults avoid treatment that might violate their beliefs.

Crafting a thorough and customized estate plan can be a valuable choice for those who prioritize their faith and beliefs in every aspect of their lives. Seeking legal guidance is a good way to start.