Safeguard Your Financial Well-Being With A Power Of Attorney
Powers of attorney are very effective legal tools that can have complex consequences. If you are considering drafting this type of document, it is critical to consult with a skilled estate planning attorney before you give another individual permission to handle your financial matters.
In West St. Paul, our attorneys at Trojack Law Office, P.A. have drafted thousands of powers of attorney over the course of more than 35 years. Our attorneys draw on this substantial experience when they advise clients of benefits and drawbacks associated with a power of attorney and a durable power of attorney. We can help you create a legal document that sets appropriate guidelines for your attorney-in-fact should you need assistance in the future.
What You Need To Know About A Power Of Attorney
A power of attorney is a document that authorizes someone called the “attorney-in-fact” to make financial decisions on behalf of someone else. Identifying an attorney-in-fact years before you will need help with your financial concerns is wise. You and your family members can rest assured that a responsible person will be paying your bills on time and completing other tasks that support your financial interests.
Powers of attorney are frequently used to plan for situations in which the power-maker is unable to act. In the event you become incapacitated, a durable power of attorney can be put in place to attend to your financial affairs when you are no longer able to do so.
Having this and other estate planning documents on hand can help your family members make informed decisions at a difficult time. When your wishes are clearly stated in a well-written document, this takes the burden of uncertainty off your loved ones’ shoulders. You can depend on us to give you the honest, skilled advice you require to develop a legal document that allays your concerns.
Talk To Us Today
At Trojack Law Office, P.A., we understand that it is not easy to discuss incapacitation and loss of financial independence. However, we also know that planning for the unexpected can make a vast difference in how challenging situations are resolved.
We invite you to speak with us about your estate planning needs during a private consultation. Arrange your appointment to talk to a knowledgeable lawyer at our firm using our online form or by calling 651-461-3952.